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Nation's Memory Institute and its databases - unofficial users' guides in English

The mission of the Institute is to provide for the access to the up to date undisclosed records of the activities of the repressive organs of the Slovak and Czechoslovak states in the period of oppression in the years 1939-1989. For genealogy research the most valuable are the online databases documenting the Jewish persecution in the period 1939-1945. Unfortunately, three of these databases have only Slovak interface. There are the following four databases:
These databases are particularly important for Jewish genealogy. Most of the enterprises included the family name, thus the first two databases enable family name search in the field "Enterprise".


The URL of the search form is www.upn.gov.sk/arizacie
Aryanization search

Slovakia Jewish census 1942

The URL of the search form is www.upn.gov.sk/supis-zidov

Click on the interactive map and select a district. Example of a search result (district Trenčín) is:

Jewish census 1942

názov obce - town
počet domov - number of houses
počet obyvateľov - number of population
počet osôb v Súpise Židov - number of Jews

The numbers of Jews in southern Slovakia and Ruthenia

These regions were after the Vienna Arbitration annexed by Hungary, these these regions are not included in the Slovak Jewish census of the years 1942. The data presented here are based on the census in 1938

The URL of the search form is www.upn.gov.sk/pocty-zidov-juzne-slovensko/
Switch on the Google instant translation of the web site and click on the selected district.

Revision date: 12 February 2011

This help page is sponsored by CentroConsult
CentroConsult offers individualized genealogy research services in Slovakia and former Austria-Hungary

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